As New York small business that is also a HUD Section 3 business, Wilson’s team has worked with clients throughout the country. Our past performance includes:
- Wilson is working in Texas as a prime contractor supporting Refugio County’s FEMA’s Public Assistance Program, and as a subcontractor on FEMA Public Assistance contracts with Galveston County, and the cities of Bayside, Refugio, Seadrift, and Woodsboro.
Wilson is working as a subcontractor with the New York Governor’s Office of Storm Recovery (GOSR) on the Community Development Block Grant – Disaster Recovery (CDBG-DR) for infrastructure projects. Wilson is the lead for the Long Island region, managing about 150 projects worth over $500m in recovery grant funds.
- Wilson worked as a subcontractor with New York State to provide FEMA Public Assistance (PA) specialists to analyze project worksheets to determine how CDBG-DR funds could be used toward the State’s cost share requirements. We evaluated over 8,000 worksheets and found over $100m in potentially eligible worksheets that could use CDBG-DR funding.
Wilson served as part of the leadership team that helped the New York State Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Services develop over 1,200 HMGP applications within a 9-month period, including benefit cost analysis (BCA), coordination with the sub-grantees across the entire state.